Homophobia– Fear of homosexuality otherwise of becoming gay
Heterophobia– Anxiety about the contrary intercourse
Galeophobia otherwise Gatophobia– Fear of cats. Gamophobia– Anxiety about matrimony. Geliophobia– Fear of laughs. Gelotophobia– Concern with being chuckled within. Gephyrophobia otherwise Gephydrophobia otherwise Gephysrophobia– Fear of crossing links.. Gerascophobia– Fear of growing older. Gerontophobia– Concern with old some one or from getting older. Glossophobia– Fear of presenting and public speaking otherwise when trying to speak. Gnosiophobia– Anxiety about knowledge. Graphophobia– Concern about writing or handwriting. Gymnophobia– Concern about nudity. Gynephobia or Gynophobia– Concern with lady.
Hadephobia– Concern with heck. Hagiophobia– Fear of new orleans saints otherwise holy things. Hamartophobia– Anxiety about sinning. Haphephobia otherwise Haptephobia– Concern with are moved. Harpaxophobia– Anxiety about are robbed. Hedonophobia– Concern about effect pleasure. Helminthophobia– Concern about getting infested having worms. Hemophobia otherwise Hemaphobia otherwise Hematophobia– Anxiety about blood. Herpetophobia– Anxiety about reptiles otherwise creepy, crawly one thing. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Concern about the quantity 666. Hierophobia– Concern about priests or sacred some thing. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia- Concern with enough time conditions. Hobophobia– Concern with bums or beggars. Homilophobia– Anxiety about sermons. Hominophobia– Concern about men. Hoplophobia– Fear of firearms. Hydrophobophobia– Fear of rabies. Hyelophobia or Hyalophobia– Anxiety about glass. Hygrophobia– Anxiety about liquid, wetness, or water. Hypengyophobia otherwise Hypegiaphobia– Concern with obligations. Hypnophobia– Concern about sleep otherwise to be hypnotized. Hypsiphobia– Anxiety about height.
Iatrophobia– Anxiety about visiting the doctor otherwise out of doctors. Ichthyophobia– Fear of fish. Ideophobia– Fear of info. Illyngophobia– Anxiety about vertigo otherwise perception light headed while chat zozo looking down. Iophobia– Anxiety about poison. Insectophobia – Anxiety about insects. Isolophobia- Concern about solitude, are by yourself. Isopterophobia– Concern with termites, insects you to eat wood. Ithyphallophobia– Concern about seeing, thinking about otherwise which have a vertical manhood.
Genophobia– Concern with gender
. Kakorrhaphiophobia– Concern about failure or overcome. Katagelophobia– Concern with ridicule. Kathisophobia– Fear of relaxing. Katsaridaphobia– Fear of cockroaches. Kleptophobia- Concern with taking. Kolpophobia- Concern about pussy, like people. Kopophobia– Fear of exhaustion. Koniophobia– Concern about soil. (Amathophobia) Kosmikophobia– Anxiety about cosmic event. Kynophobia- Fear of rabies.
Lachanophobia– Anxiety about make. Laliophobia otherwise Lalophobia– Concern with speaking. Leprophobia otherwise Lepraphobia– Fear of leprosy.. Ligyrophobia– Fear of loud sounds. Lilapsophobia– Fear of tornadoes and you can hurricanes. Limnophobia– Concern about lakes. Linonophobia– Concern about string. Liticaphobia– Fear of lawsuits. Lockiophobia– Concern with childbirth. Logizomechanophobia– Anxiety about hosts. Logophobia– Anxiety about terminology. Luiphobia– Fear of syphillis. Lygophobia– Anxiety about dark. Lyssophobia– Concern about rabies otherwise to become mad
Macrophobia– Anxiety about much time delays. Mageirocophobia– Anxiety about cooking. Maieusiophobia- Concern with childbirth. Malaxophobia– Anxiety about like gamble. Maniaphobia– Concern about insanity. Mastigophobia– Concern about abuse. Mechanophobia– Anxiety about computers. Medomalacuphobia– Concern about dropping an erection. Medorthophobia– Concern with an erect manhood. Megalophobia– Anxiety about large some thing. Melissophobia– Fear of bees.. Melophobia– Anxiety otherwise hatred out-of music. Meningitophobia– Fear of brain state. Menophobia– Concern with times. Merinthophobia– Fear of becoming sure otherwise tied up. Metallophobia– Concern about material. Metathesiophobia– Fear of changes. Meteorophobia- Anxiety about meteors. Methyphobia– Fear of alcoholic beverages. Microbiophobia– Concern about microorganisms. (Bacillophobia) Microphobia– Concern about small things. Misophobia or Mysophobia– Concern with are polluted with dirt otherwise bacteria. Mnemophobia– Concern about thoughts. Molysmophobia otherwise Molysomophobia– Anxiety about dirt or pollution. Monophobia– Concern with solitude or being by yourself. Monopathophobia– Anxiety about specified state. Motorphobia- Concern with vehicles. Musophobia otherwise Muriphobia– Anxiety about rats. Myctophobia– Concern with darkness. Myrmecophobia– Fear of ants. Mythophobia– Concern about myths otherwise stories or untrue statements. Myxophobia- Fear of slime. Necrophobia– Anxiety about dying or inactive one thing. Neopharmaphobia– Concern about the brand new drugs.. Noctiphobia– Concern with the night time. Nomatophobia– Anxiety about names. Nosocomephobia– Concern with hospitals. Nosophobia or Nosemaphobia– Anxiety about is sick. Nostophobia– Concern about returning household. Nudophobia– Concern with nudity. Numerophobia– Concern about quantity. Nyctohylophobia– Concern about ebony wooded portion otherwise regarding woods in the evening Nyctophobia– Concern with the newest dark otherwise away from night.
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